Saturday, November 30, 2013

saffron analyze
1- Floral Waste

This is the maximum amount of flower material allowed in the saffron.

2. Foreign Matter

The maximum allowed for Category I is 0.1% . Ours is 0.01%, which makes it pharmaceutical grade in cleanliness. It means that it has been shifted at least seven times, thus eliminating pollen, dirt, "gravel", insects, insect parts, etc.

3. Moisture and Volatile Matter

The maximum percentage allowed is 12%. Ours is 6.26% . This is one of the most important characteristics of saffron, and the one that is most abused by packers/exporters, because it is here where most of the cheating is done, affecting the coloring strength (see No. 9 below) and the overall quality of saffron. A) When the yellow part of the saffron stigma is left attached to the red part, moisture is trapped and the saffron becomes musty. This is why many writers describe the aroma of saffron as "musty", a smell which is not the true aroma of saffron. You get aroma when you cut out the yellow so that no moisture remains. B) If the yellow--which has no culinary value--is left attached, it increases the weight of the saffron by at least 25%, plus another 6% from the trapped moisture. C) Moisture decreases the flavor, the aroma and the shelf-life. D) The yellow part must be removed before saffron is dried,and this is what used to be called in Spain "Coupé", and in Iran, Sargol, meaning the "top of the flower", detached from the yellow. In the early 1900's French Chefs will only buy the red part, even though they didn't have photospectometry, they knew that this is the only part of the stigma that has saffron. Like them, you should only buy all-red saffron. Saffron that has to be "dried" or "toasted" on a pan, is no good saffron. When the saffron has yellow, it is soft and spongy to the touch. When saffron is properly dried and cured, like our Sargol or Pushali, all-red, it is brittle the touch and you can crush it in your fingers.

4, 5 and 6

These parameters must be below the maximum allowed for Category I saffron. As you can see, our results are far below than the maximums allowed.

7. Picocrocin

Saffron flavor comes from Picocrocin. Note that for Category I, the minimum value is 70. Ours is well above, with 86.41

8. Safranal

Safranal gives saffron its aroma. Again, our saffron is 35.14, 15 points above the minimum.

9. Crocin

Saffron color derives from Crocin. This is the most important value because a high degree of coloring strength can only be obtained by cutting out the yellow, thus making the saffron all-red. This is why every package of saffron must indicate the coloring strength, because it is the only way for you, the consumer, to know the quality of the product you are buying. Again, the higher the coloring strength, the better the saffron.

10. Artificial Water-soluble Acid colorants

This is why you need a lab report by an ISO certified exporter. Saffron adulteration has always been a problem, and it may be very hard to detect, even to the expert eye. Claims of origin do not guarantee that it is not adulterated, therefore, you must ask for a report, even if you only buy one gram. For example Spain, who produces only up to 800 kilos, is shipping to the US alone 20-25 metric tons per year. How they do this is a mystery to me. Again, an ISO certification from a third party--not from a "self-regulated" association--is essential to protect you, the consumer.

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